Welcome to Shepard's Flock

We are Commander Shepard fans first, members of the Alliance second.

~Shep's History~

When Commander Shepard was just 23, she was on a mission on Akuze, a human colony on the outskirts of Alliance space. The colony was attacked by thresher maws, subterranean carnivores that lay dormant underground for millennia at a time. Unluckily for Shepard and her unit, the thresher maws had awoken and attacked! Shepard, with her superior strength and military prowess, was the only marine to survive!

Recently, Commander Shepard was promoted to the rank of Spectre (Special Tactics & Reconnaissance). As you know, Spectres rank above everybody else on the galaxy (except the council) in order to keep galactic stability. Until now, no humans have ever held the rank! Commander Shepard, being the best, was the first to make it :))


Name Message
ex_csec_tur14n we love you shep! biggest badass in the galaxy...i think about you at night
Captain Anderson Anything to keep morale up, I guess.
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